Here is what he had to say :

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When I started working with Andy, his authority was clear. He knew his stuff, no question. But something was off—he wasn’t getting the kind of engagement or leads you’d expect from someone with his expertise. After diving deep into his brand, here’s what we uncovered and fixed

1. Revamping the Content System:

Andy had loads of authority but something was missing—a human touch. His content felt a bit robotic, and while it showcased his knowledge, it didn’t connect with his audience on a personal level.

What did we do? We shifted the focus to transformations. We started showing how people’s lives changed after working with him. This made Andy feel real, relatable, and human. He was no longer just another expert throwing out information—he became someone who genuinely impacts lives. On the post below we can see how Andy is differentiating himself from the crowd.


Action step: We overhauled his content strategy to dive deep into research—what problems did his audience care about? And how could we position Andy as the guy who not only knew the solution but could walk them through it, step-by-step?

The result? People stopped scrolling past his posts. They saw themselves in his content and started interacting.

2. Nailing the Positioning:

Andy had a solid authority, but his messaging was all over the place. He was writing for everyone—which meant he was attracting a mix of potential clients and freeloaders who just wanted free advice.

The solution? We honed in on his Ideal Client Profile (ICP) and made sure every piece of content spoke directly to them. No more generic posts. We crafted unique angles that potential clients could resonate with on a personal level, not just as business advice.
